A Message From Our President – December 2021
“Leave a little sparkle wherever you go.” – Kate Spade
There are so many great quotes about light. From light driving out darkness, light from within and so many others, it has been my source of inspiration this year. I leave you with this last quote that reminds us to leave a bit of our light behind and share it with others. It has been my great privilege and honor to serve as your 2021 chapter president and as I reflect on this year, I’m so very grateful to have served alongside a tremendously talented board of directors.
Thanks in no small part to their hard work, it has been a fantastic year for PRSA Orlando despite the challenges and uncertainty we continued to face due to the pandemic. There certainly were some disappointments, especially in not being able to host ICON in person, but there were also some great wins. I’m very proud to report that our membership is on the rise, our bank account is healthy and our first ever Chapter Recognition Awards Gala was a big success. It was wonderful to honor and celebrate some of the chapter’s most accomplished members last month. We’ve included details about our honorees inside this month’s newsletter, so be sure to read on!
As we turn our focus to 2022, our chapter is in good hands with Wendy J. Roundtree, APR who, along with her 2022 board of directors, will continue to light the way on the path forward.
I hope you will join us at our final event of the year, PRSA Orlando Gives Back Member Mixer on Tuesday, December 14 at 6 p.m. at the University Club. We will be supporting the Joe R. Lee Branch Boys & Girls Club in Eatonville by collecting unwrapped gifts for their 45 teens. Register today!
I hope your holidays are filled with cheer and wish you all the best in the New Year!
Keep shining,
Stefanie Macfarlane, APR
2021 President, PRSA Orlando Regional Chapter