A Letter from the President | August 2022
From the President’s Desk
A message from Wendy J. Roundtree, APR
Welcome back, PRSA Orlando!
I hope you’ve had a restful and productive summer, because we are more than ready to bring back opportunities for you to learn, network and grow:
Friday, Aug. 5: First Fridays
Join us for informal conversation and networking with fellow communications professionals at The Monroe restaurant in downtown Orlando.
Thursday, Aug. 18: Maximizing Your Earned Media Strategy to Generate Cross-Channel Results
Learn how the external communications team at Rollins College leveraged a local media pitch to secure worldwide media attention.
Thursday, Aug. 25: **NEW** Community Convos
A virtual gathering where we tackle tough DEI conversations and share best practices that help advance our efforts as PR professionals.
Thursday, Sept. 15: APR Fall 2022 Information Session
Distinguish yourself from your peers and fine-tune your proficiency with an Accreditation in Public Relations (APR).
There are so many opportunities to engage with our chapter, and I hope you’ll take advantage. Registration details about each event are included below.
If you’re interested in taking on a more active role as a volunteer or committee member, please do not hesitate to reach out. We have a number of exciting announcements coming soon that will require your help.
As I consider what we have in store, I want to thank our current board and committee members for all they do behind the scenes to serve our membership. They give tirelessly of their expertise and their talents, and I’m grateful to serve alongside each of them.
Let’s make it a great month!